20 May 2022: Critical Dance at X-Church

Critical Dance

When: 20 May 2022, 18.30

Where: X-Church

Critical Dance, an hour-long movement session and sound journey inviting the audience exclusively made up of female-identifying, non-binary, and transgender people to attend as participants. The idea behind Critical Dance stemmed from our desire to move in peace, away from the male gaze, and explore the commonality of corporeal knowledge and its potential in forming strong bonds and healing communities. 

Womxn* walk  into space and move together. No choreography. No expectations. 

*womxn: We use this spelling to avoid perceived sexism in the standard spelling and to explicitly include or foreground transgender women and non-binary people

Places are free but limited, so we advise early registration. To reserve a spot, email dana.olarescu@gmail.com by 18 May, and you will receive further instructions once confirmed.                                                                                              

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